Thursday, July 21, 2011

A rant if you will

The point between Love and Law
This is the point where my Lord dwells
His home is between judgment and righteousness
Between Ego and humility
Where the love pours out like wine, on both the rich and the poor, the weak and the strong, the smart and the "ignorant"
Lord how do we enter into this place that you have prepared for us Lord
The place where love is the law
The place that following you Lord is the place we desire to be
To be in constance fellowship with you Lord
How is it that we have gone so far on your grace,
and have yet to walk on our own with you
Lord I feel as though I fail you more than I champion for you
What is this allusive point that I hunt for, 
that place between my head and my heart where I seem to get lost more than I am found
To love you to the point of ridicule
To love you to the point of persecution 
God my God how is it that you still love me in spite of me

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