The Big valley is a look at the Journey between mountain tops. So often in a Christians life, we talk about all of the "mountain top" experiences. Life gets pretty exciting there, we have just come out of a conference or a weekend retreat. We get what others call a "Jesus High". We talk about how nothing will ever take this away. " I am going to change my life forever".
Not a bad thing necessarily, but it is not where we live life. Life happens for most of us in the Big Valley. Life between the mountain top experiences. Life gets back to "normal".
People get back to normal or is it that we get back to normal. We have returned home from the highest of highs. We are back to the old grind and doing things as normal, "our way". Our realization that we can't do everything by ourselves returns, which leads to anxiety, which leads to mood swings and worse.
We get back to life where God happens on Sunday morning or maybe one or two other times during our week. We stop loving without expectations and disappointments. Everything is as it was before our grand trip up the mountain. We remember what it means to be "us" without God.
Life without God is life without breathing clean air. It is never realizing what this world has to offer. To go for the slam dunk and hit the rim every time "DENIED"!
Life between the Mountain tops or Life in the Valleys does not have to be the way that we make it out to be. Life in the Big Valleys can actually be the great experience. It can be as high as any Mountain top experience. Life in the Valleys can be as exciting as any other time in our lives.
We need to help one another out of the Big Ruts in those Big Valleys. We must, if there is any hope of getting out of this thing alive, we must learn to help one another! To help our brothers and sisters the way that Christ meant for us to help each other. The way that God planned this great big thing to go.
We must learn to Love when loving is the last thing that we want to do. We must learn to RISE ABOVE THE CIRCUMSTANCES. We must learn to be as Graham Cooke says "Spiritual Warriors". Graham Cooke - Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior "Warriors do not react to their circumstances, they respond to God". This is a life that relies heavily on us living the life that Christ calls us to. It is displayed in the book of Acts. This book is a great look at how we can help each other, how we can live together.
Acts 2:42-44 "They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common".
This life, is life in the Big Valley. All they had was their faith in God and each other. They lived with the Holy Spirit always.
So, this blog will be my journey together with my brothers and sisters. Trying our hardest to live that life.
"All Honor and Glory to God"
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