Monday, September 26, 2011


So this afternoon I have been doing an inductive bible study on the book of Hebrews, which has little to do with what I am about to write about other than to note why I am in the bible today. So, I am thumbing back into Psalms and run across a message which says: Fred, " Do not fear, for I have redeemed you: I have called you by name, you are mine." Isaiah 43: 1

I am not sure how that got in there, but I am sure that an angel disguised as a friend gave this to me for such a time as this. The thoughts of insignificance and lack of faith in the abilities God has placed in me sometimes gets a bit overwhelming, today being one of those times. I am not an academic person.

I am now, God called me to seminary and called me to be a pastor. he would not have done it if He was not going to see me through it. He never called the israelites into a battle and then left them for dead. When they were actively pursuing Him and true to His word, He was always there for them.

When Joseph was sold into slavery, when Daniel was in the Lions Den. When the Israelites marched around Jericho and then shouted and blew horns. The point is the tif God truly does being you to it, He can and will bring you through it.

God changed Abram's name to Abraham, He changed the names of many of His beloved. He has changed my name as well, not that I might be a great and well written biblical scholar, but that I might be able to walk into the calling He has placed upon my life.

Sometimes a new perspective is the best as well as exactly what we need. He is GOOD and his love endures forever. I need to walk out in to the newness that was brought upon Christ's death upon the cross. He did it for you and for me. Change your name if it helps you to recognize that the old is dead and the new lives. Live out the destiny that God created you for, even upon creation and Christ paid for it upon Calvary.

If we do this thing righteously, we just night get out of here alive!

1 comment:

  1. It's times like these I wish I could remember what I've learned from my Bible study. There is more to God changing Abram and Sarai and all those he changed their name. I believe by going from Abram to Abraham, it was identifying them to God. It was putting God's name into theirs?? Does that sound familiar? So when we became children of God, yes our names were changed as well, and written in the Book of Life!

    "The point is the tif God truly does being you to it, He can and will bring you through it."...That hit me Fred. Hit me hard.
